Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friend analysis..

I'm back. I'm no Arnold, but you can probably hear it in that voice if you try. In our house, someone will always repeat it in Arnold's voice if they hear you say that. We are a huge movie quote family.

Speaking of my family.. it is shrinking and I'm not happy about it. Marianne moved to colorado permanently 18 months ago and Matthew is in college in Nashville since August. Andrew is the only bird left in our nest and compared to the other two, rather talkative birds, Andrew is the strong silent type. He doesn't have the need to share like the others did so it is even more different than when Marianne left. Asking him more than 1 or 2 questions in a row usually infuriates him, so I don't get much info unless he is in the mood to share.

I seem to be relying on friends more to fill in for this lack of activity at home. I grew up with 3 brothers and sisters who were always talking and my dad, who was also very talkative. I'm not used to the silence. I also get sucked into the internet but that isnt' as effective.

So many of my friends help me in so many ways. Some inspire me, motivate me, entertain me, make me look at myself and be there for me. My husband, of course, is there for me in many ways too. I'm not one of those who looks to my hubby to be everything for me. That is way too much pressure for him or for me to be that for him.

Everyone - including my children- seems to be teaching me something. My children always taught me to be patient. I wanted them to hurry and learn or do something when I was a young mom. Now, I do not have that need. I need to sit back and let them do their thing, make their mistakes and guide them as much as they let me.
INSPIRATION:I have a friend who is following her passion is inspiring me to reach for more (Thanks Karen - )
GIRLTALK: I have friends who listen and talk and help me know me (okay I have several like that)
FUNTIME: Others like to play and we just hang and talk and have fun. As pointless as that may seem, those times are very important to me and I make time to have fun. I'm not one to just work and not play. Not that we don't talk - I'm sure they would agree everyone talks quite a bit after a cocktail.

I don't know if you have all these categories. Maybe you have 2 friends who are doing it all for you. It just happens that my friendships seem to do certain things. It seems we have a few common activities and they fit our style of relating.

Basicly, I'm feeling quite grateful for those who have chosen to stay in my life. I haven't managed to keep all the friendship that I wanted to, but maybe that was meant to be.
I'm learning to be cool with that.

This is a quote from one of my "FUNTIME" friends:
He's an ex-Marine and one of his biggest values is honor...

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